March 13-20, 2014
This Special Offer Will Expire In:

Get Your SkyRocket Growth in 2014!
- You will create new possibilities and new mental maps which will dramatically change your way of thinking
- You will learn and apply powerful tools in personal development, state management, stress reduction, spirituality, creativity, global ecology, business, leadership, relationships, education, family constellation and other fields, which will improve your personal and professional life.
- You will meet and interact with many passionate, amazing people from all around the world — perhaps make friends for life, or expand your professional network, or just take another step toward a world that feels like a global family.
Who Are You and Why You Are Doing This?
We are an international team of people who want to make a difference in this world. NLP Planet provides high quality online NLP education via live webinars with very professional trainers who represent highest values, knowledge, wisdom, love and positive transformations. Our purpose is to bring AFFORDABLE, INTERACTIVE, and first GLOBAL NLP education to anyone who is interested straight to their home or office. The idea is make some of the BEST NLP education accessible to anyone anywhere!
Judith DeLozier about NLP Planet
The NLP Planet Founders
Robert Dilts has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - a model of human behavior, learning and communication – since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. A long time student and colleague of both Grinder and Bandler, Robert also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson M.D. and Gregory Bateson. In addition to spearheading the applications of NLP in the areas of education, creativity, health, and leadership, his personal contributions to the field of NLP include much of the seminal work on the NLP techniques of Strategies and Belief Systems, and the development of what has become known as ‘Systemic NLP’.
Judith DeLozier, a leader in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, has been a trainer, co-developer and designer of training programs since 1975. A member of John Grinder and Richard Bandler’s original group of students, Judith has made fundamental co]+ntributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes, including he fundamental NLP technique of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modeled his tracking strategy for creating and utilizing trance states and metaphors. In the book Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (1987), which she co-authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the interrelationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology. The result of this work was the creation of ‘NLP New Coding.’
Xavier Lee is the Financial Director of «NLP Planet».
Kamilla Nishanova is the Director of Marketing & Public Relations of «NLP Planet».
Sergey Igoshin is the managing Director of Administration and Technology of «NLP Planet»
Dario Fasolo is the Creative Director of «NLP Planet».
What Is This Conference About?
It’s all about your systemic growth and development. We did our best to embody this concept and make it accessible for everyone in the world!
What Are The Key Features?
High Quality
We do care about a quality and work with the leaders, innovators and experts of the field:
- Robert Dilts
- Judith DeLozier
- Tim and Kris Hallbom
- Connirae Andreas
- Michael Grinder
And other outstanding trainers! So you can be sure that you will have the best possible NLP experience in the world.
Systemic Approach
We want to support you in all aspects of your life that’s why we chose the topics which cover different areas:
- health
- spirituality
- creativity
- business
- leadership
- relationships
- education
And other fields which will imrove you personal and professional life.
Online Format
NLP Planet Team likes to call it ‘Time and Money Saving Format’.
Sitting at your home with a cup of tea or coffee, imagine studying and interacting with NLP Guiding Stars,visionary leaders, wise thinkers and great innovators!
Imagine interacting with Judy or Robert in the comforts of your own home – asking questions via chat, chatting interactively with fellow learners all over the world, and speakers answering you live.
Worldwide Community
It’s a fantastic experience to be connected with hundres of people all around the world! One breath, one heart beat, one passion. Perhaps you will make friends or expand your professional network. All is possible!
Practical Results
It’s not a dry theory. We give practical results to people. In the previous year right after The First Worldwide Online NLP Conference one woman wrote to us that our event helped to save her marriage! It’s a real happiness for our team to hear feedback like this.
March 13-20, 2014, 11-2.30 PM* – Pacific Time / 7-10.30 PM London Time
*There could be some exceptions. Please see the whole updated schedule at the bottom of this page.
This is an Online Live Webinar Series so you will be
- Sitting at your home, at your office or even at your favorite cafè
- Having the opportunity to study and interact with the most outstanding NLP trainers in the world
- Without the hassle of traveling for a long distance and invest a lot of money and time
Real Customer Worldwide Feedback-
here’s what they are saying about The First Worldwide Online NLP Conference…
It is a very efficient way of learning
“For me it was the very first webinar I ever attended and I loved it. I did not have to travel anywhere, did not have to book a hotel room, did not have to take too much time off work. I could do it in a comfortable setting of my home (in my pyjamas, if I had wanted :-)) and still listen to some of the most amazing trainers.
I hope we will be doing webinars, conferences like this again. It is a very efficient way of learing. Thank you so much!”
Anja Förster, Owner of Denkanstösse Training & Coaching
I discovered new methods and approaches in many areas
“ There is an extraordinary energy of transformation and personal evolution that is expressing itself in the work of therapists and trainers in different parts of the world, in the United States, Latin America, Europe. Sometimes we have the opportunity to meet them and work with them personally, but we are now a global community and it’s great to be able to learn from them and continue to develop our skills and knowledge also being in our own countries. I immediately joined the project seeing the worth and the outstanding level of the speakers, and the really wide range of themes proposed, so that I discovered new methods and approaches in many areas I’m working on: team-working, leadership, generative consciousness, constellations, just to name a few… however I’m sure that everybody can expand their skills through these and many other different topics presented in the webinars and always find something new and interesting. It was amazing not only the quality of the presenters, but also the high level of involvement among the participants. Each time we were in a living field made of attention, support, active interest that we expressed through the chatroom and which created the interaction and warmth of the learning experience, even though we were not phisically present. So much, that the trainers could also make demos and exercises with us at a distance, with amazing creativity. NLP Planet is a wide project that’s making possible to get to know some of the best international authors and to interact with them, and I’m looking forward to seeing it grow and bring new exciting developments in the future for our worldwide community!” Anna Pensante, CEO and Owner of Prontofoods, Italy
Looking forward for the next ones !!!
“I sincerely really, really appreciated these 1st NLP webinars !
Why ?
Because of :
- the high quality of most of the speakers and interventions – the price (which was very correct)
- the comfort (to be at home)
- the generosity (of NLP Planet and most of the speakers) – the friends all around the world I met
- the technology (its quality, the possibility to interact)
- the records (their great quality and the possibility to download them)
Thanks to NLP Planet for having made them possible and for their involvement, Looking forward for the next ones !!!”
Cecile Wyler Roulet, Owner of SigmaSolutions, Switzerland
Who Will Be My Teachers and Mentors?
Meet Our Outstanding Presenters!

Connirae Andreas, Ph.D
is an internationally known trainer and developer of NLP whose work has helped define and broaden the field. She is best known for her development of the groundbreaking Core Transformation process, a method of gentle and profound transformation through accessing states of Peace, Oneness, and Presence (1989), for her developments in language patterns (Advanced Language Patterns audio series), grief resolution, timelines, parenting, Aligning Perceptual Positions, and more. She has been a key influence in bringing NLP into greater public awareness (She and partner Steve Andreas created the classic Bandler-Grinder books Frogs into Princes, Trance-Formations, Reframing, etc.), and in improving the quality of NLP training worldwide as their NLP Training Manuals, books, and learning materials have become templates for many trainers around the globe. Their work has been translated into over 15 languages.
Presentation: The Wholeness Process - A path of “Awakening” and resolving human problems
Date: March 17, 11-12.30 Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
“A process that comes from modeling an otherwise esoteric spiritual teaching (about enlightenment and how to get there), into a precise and doable method. The Wholeness Process is the result of a 14 year period of personal searching, and has been very useful to me personally. It works in the same direction as Core Transformation, but is simpler. Usual Results include…
- A deep relaxation and resetting of the nervous system
- A natural melting away of many issues that previously seemed like intractable problems
- Greater access to a natural wisdom, compassion, humor, and creativity
We will explore what this practice is, and how it offers a way to understand what is happening when any method of transformation and change is effective.
Leo Angart
is a Danish business consultant accomplished what many considered to be impossible. He restored his own eyesight naturally without surgery or expensive therapy sessions. What is even more astonishing, he did this without knowing any of the typical vision improvements approaches, such as the Bates Method. He is an author of many books in the field of natural eyesight regaining.
Presentation: Regaining your eyesight naturally – is it possible?
Date: March 16, 3-4.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
Simple but effective exercises which everyone can do!

Richard Bolstad
is a Fellow Member Trainer of NLP (IANLP), a Master Trainer (ICI, IN), Time Line Therapy™ Trainer, A Certified Chi Kung Instructor with the Universal Tao and Chi Lel™. He has a California state recognised Doctorate of Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a trained Teacher (DipTchTert), and a Registered Nurse (RCpN).He is widely recognised in the NLP community for his promotion of research-based NLP and is a contributing author in the new books The Clinical Effectiveness of Neurolinguistic Programming: A Critical Appraisal (Advances in Mental Health Research), and Innovations in NLP: Innovations for Challenging Times (where his RESOLVE model for NLP coaching is explained). Richard is the author of many NLP books, published in 8 languages, including Transforming Communication and RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy. His Transforming Communication course is taught in Europe, Asia, North America, and Australasia, and is available in more than 12 languages.
Presentation: The Wheel of Change
Date: March 14, 1-2.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
“For years, I taught NLP coaching as if the most important ingredient was the series of steps that make up a session. Then, I realised that for all the coaches I was training, the most important challenge was understanding their own personal style of change. The Wheel of Change is a model for NLP that emerges from understanding who you are as a coach. You will develop an ability to:
- Quickly identify which of the four stages of change your client is stuck at, and which of the four stages they have skills at
- Save time by not spending your coaching session doing things that don’t work, or that your client can easier do by themselves
- Use four precise sets of techniques specifically useful for the personality style of different clients
- Understand the wheel of change as a guide to creating change in organisations and communities as well as with individual clients
- Help team members with conflicting change styles integrate their different strengths to cope fully with times of economic change and upheaval”

Fran Burgess
is an NLP trainer, psychotherapist and author of The NLP Cookbook. Alongside her work on modelling, from her many years as a Trainer, she has gathered and created the extensive range of learning resources as part of The NLP Kitchen – a great resource for anyone interested in taking their NLP understanding further.
Presentation: Modelling Made Easy
Date: March 19, 11-12.30 Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
“Fifteen years ago I responded to a call of John Grinder that we needed new modellers and new models. As my contribution to the NLP legacy, that was the start of my mission to model modelling. I wanted to learn about modelling, create new models and find ways of making modelling easy to learn.
Now, with the Spring 2014 publication of The Bumper Bundle Book of Modelling, and The Bumper Bundle Companion Workbook, I am ready to share my findings and offer you the new frameworks I’ve come up with which clarify and simplify the modelling process. Within the time available, I want to give you an experience of the full process so that you can realise just how much you are doing already – and how much more is possible.”

Richard and Oksana Conner
are family psychotherapists, trainers and researchers. They contributed a lot in the fields of family therapy, NLP and ericksonian therapy. Richard is one of the main founders of NLP in Russia: he was a founder of institute in Syberia 90-s, big psychological library, etc.
Presentation: Parenting with NLP
Date: March 19, 7-8.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
- The Goals of Parenting
- The Influence of the Marital Relationship
- Presuppositions of Successful Parental Influence
- ‘Humanizing’ the Child’s Energy
- Utilizing the Child’s Behavior
- Influencing with Positive Expectations

Judith DeLozier
is a leader in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, has been a trainer, co-developer and designer of training programs since 1975. A member of John Grinder and Richard Bandler’s original group of students, Judith has made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes, including the fundamental NLP technique of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modeled his tracking strategy for creating and utilizing trance states and metaphors. In the book Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (1987), which she co-authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the interrelationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology. The result of this work was the creation of ‘NLP New Coding.’
Presentation: Princilples of Wisdom
Date: March 20, 1-2.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
“Bateson said: “Wisdom comes from being together and truthfully confronting our differences without the need/intent to change anything. Our world created by differences and between polarities. You will develop:
- Ability to be with uncertainty
- Ability to hold seeming paradox and contradiction
- Ability to persevere”

Lucas Derks
is a social psychologist, trainer and researcher. He studied art school and psychology. He was researching visitor behavior in museums and the practical use of imagination techniques. He is mainly working as a trainer for psychotherapist, trainers, madiators, conflict coaches, managers and dentists. He developed the `social panorama model’ as a tool to analyse and improve human relations.
Presentation: The Self – Center of the Social Panorama
Date: March 18, 11-12.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
- What social panorama is
- Original approach of Lucas
- Practical exercises

Michael Dilts
holds degrees in Linguistics from the University of Caifornia at Berkeley and Harvard University. He enjoyed a long and productive career in the computer industry, working for Texas Instruments, Wang Laboratories and Apple, Inc. He has been awarded seven patents for software design and has published over a dozen articles in journals and in the proceedings of technical conferences. Michael has expertise in a number of ancient languages, including Vedic Sanskrit, Old Norse, Old Irish, Old English, Middle Welsh, Homeric Greek, Hittite, Akkadian, Sumerian and Venetic.
Presentation: Shamanism, Alchemy and Generative Change
Date: March 16, 1-2.30pm Pacific Time
Take an advantage of our Special Price
and order your access to the conference
for $309 only

Robert Dilts
has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - a model of human behavior, learning and communication – since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. A long time student and colleague of both Grinder and Bandler, Robert also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson M.D. and Gregory Bateson. In addition to spearheading the applications of NLP in the areas of education, creativity, health, and leadership, his personal contributions to the field of NLP include much of the seminal work on the NLP techniques of Strategies and Belief Systems, and the development of what has become known as ‘Systemic NLP’.Presentation: Coming soon
Date: March 13, 11-12.30 Pacific Time

Art Giser
The creator of Energetic NLP, is an internationally renowned teacher, intuitive and healer. Art’s gift is in helping people access and develop their hidden abilities, discover how amazing they truly are, and have more fun, be healthier, more successful, and contribute more to the world. An NLP Trainer for 27 years, Art’s unique background includes 11 years doing medical research for the University of California; 27 years consulting to major corporations in leadership and team development; 29 years of study and development in the fields of NLP, spirituality, life coaching, and intuition development. He has worked with Western, Tibetan, Hindu, South American, and Philippine energy healers. Art is known for the joy, humor and compassion that he brings to his work; his ability to simplify complex ideas; and his magical ability to help people release old programming, emotions and limiting beliefs quickly and easily.
Presentation: Coming Soon
Date: March 18, 1-2.30pm Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:

Richard Gray, Ph.D.
is Research Director for the NLP Research and Recognition Project. He serves as Principle Investigator for the pilot study of the RTM (V/KD) protocol in Middletown, NY. In July 2013, he retired after serving nine years as Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ. Prior to his appointment at FDU, Dr. Gray served for more than 20 years in the US Probation Department, Brooklyn, NY. While working in Brooklyn he received the North East Regional Line Officer of the Year Award for 1999. Gray was the recipient of the 2004 Neuro-Linguistic Programming World Community Award in Education for his work with federal offenders with substance use disorders.
Presentation: NLP for Addictions
Date: March 15, 1-2.30pm, Pacific Time

Michael Grinder
has spent his life working in both the corporate and educational worlds, teaching effective and systematic non-verbal communication for group settings. He is dedicated to changing the way many people communicate. He is recognised as the master and renowned expert in the power of influence through the science of non-verbal communication, charisma and leadership, group dynamics, relationship building and presentation skills. Michael is Director of Michael Grinder & Associates in Washington, USA
Presentation: Coming Soon
Date: March 19, 1-2.30pm Pacific Time

Tim Hallbom
is widely considered to be one of the most talented and accomplished NLP trainers in the world. He is an internationally known expert in how to change limiting beliefs through the medium of NLP, as well as co-author of the best selling books, Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-being and NLP: The New Technology of Achievement. Throughout his expansive NLP career, Tim has worked with individuals and organizations, authored several articles and books, founded training centers and professional organizations, keynoted international conferences and lectured all over the world. His vast experience and innate flexibility helps him to be successful with virtually everyone that he works with. Tim is dedicated to helping individuals have life changing breakthroughs and organizations experience fundamental improvements.

Kris Hallbom
is an internationally recognized trainer, author and life coach. She is the co-creator of the WealthyMind™ program, which has been taught to live audiences in over 20 countries around the world; and has helped thousands of people create more of what they want in their lives. She is also the co-founder of the NLP & Coaching Institute, and has been actively involved in the field of NLP for over 25 years. Recognized for her ability to translate complex ideas into practical skills, and for her warm, approachable style, Kris has trained and coached clients throughout Europe, Australia, Russia, Mexico, Japan and the USA. She is a contributing author to the best selling books, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide” and “Innovations in NLP”; and has produced numerous DVDs and articles on positive psychology, wealth consciousness and systems thinking
Presentation: Modern Day Tools for Having a WealthyMind and Living a LIfe Filled with Miracles
Date: March 13, 1-2.30pm, Pacific Time

Sid Jacobson, Ph.D
is a well known NLP trainer and author. Jacobson is the director of the South Central Institute of NLP and conducts seminars throughout the U.S., and in Canada and Asia. He has written five books as well as many papers and articles on NLP. Sid holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is considered to be an expert in the application of NLP to education and training, as well as psychotherapy and communication skills. His books include Meta-Cation Vols. I, II & II (1983, 1986 & 1987) and Solution States (1997).
Presentation: Working with Learning Difficulties, a Systematic NLP Approach
Date: March 17, 1-2.30pm, Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
At one time or another, everyone has difficulty learning something. Most of the time, though, most of us get through those difficulties and move on. Some people change the focus of their learning and move to something else. Some just stay stuck. That’s when it’s a real shame. Many of those that have the most difficulty end up in the office of a counselor or therapist, or other helper and sometimes that person doesn’t know where to begin.
In this presentation, Sid Jacobson will go through the steps needed to help someone overcome just about any learning problem. The NLP perspective begins with, first and foremost, the belief that people really can learn just about anything. But, to do that, certain things need to be in place. These include the right state of mind, the belief that it’s worthwhile and possible, and the best learning strategies for the particular kind of learning they need to do. It is possible using basic NLP skills to insure all those things are available when they’re needed. Many people simply haven’t learned a good system for helping people in this way.
Sid will go through the system, step-by-step, so that anyone will be able to use it for themselves, or to help others. He’ll also do several demonstrations and exercises, as well as giving relevant case examples and other guidance.

Nick Kemp
is an NLP trainer, Provocative Therapy and Provocative Change Works Trainer having developed his own “Provocative Change Works” approach. He has promoted and studied extensively with Frank Farrelly and is a Farrelly approved trainer in PT. Provocative Change Works is Nick’s approach to client change created from over 30 years experience in personal development and experience of many years of running clinics in the UK.
Presentation: Confidence Building
Date: March 20, 11-12.30, Pacific Time

Doug O’Brien
is a NLP Trainer in New York City. As a Hypnotherapist, he helped found the Department of Complimentary Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in the mid-nineties, under Dr. Mehmet Oz. Doug worked directly with pre-operative and post-operative patients on stress management and pain reduction as well as long term behavioral change to generate healthy living. Doug conducts trainings around the globe that include stress management, “Sleight of Mouth” patterns of persuasion and Neo-Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. He teaches NLP Certification Trainings in New York City with his training partner Kevin Creedon, “Belief Craft” with Jonathan Altfeld, “Stories from the Outside Inn” with Nick Kemp and more. He also has a private practice, utilizing these techniques for behavioral change. For ten years Doug was a Master Trainer for Robbins Research International, assisting at their Certification training and at Mastery University.
Presentation: Coming Soon
Date: March 14, 11-12.30, Pacific Time
Dr. Heidi HeronHeidi has been involved with the technology of NLP formally since 1997 and is a Master Trainer of NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Doctor of Psychology. She has obtained her Doctorate in Psychology; Masters in Adult Education and Bachelor Degrees in Psychology and Communication. Heidi has a background in Corporate Human Resources Management and Personal Development and has been training all levels of NLP since 2000 with the Worldwide Institutes of NLP. Additionally she runs an NLP Coaching Practice, is a part of the International NLP Leadership Summit and currently holds the role of Chairperson for the Australian Board of NLP. She has studied NLP with some of the top leaders in NLP and continues to up-skill herself personally and professionally and is the co-author of the book
30 Days to NLP.Presentation: Finishing the NLP Puzzle
Date: March 13, 1-2.30PM Pacific Time
In this webinar you will learn:
Once you learn the skills of NLP, how do you get them into your life? What do you use when? How do you use NLP every day if you are not working with others? The HOW to incorporate NLP into life is often the missing puzzle piece. Dr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP since 2000 and specifically has honed in on how to get NLP into your life. In this workshop she will share with you tricks and tips that will help you to embody NLP and embrace it in every area of your life. This will be an excellent refresh of the NLP communication and personal growth tools of NLP.
…More Feedback From NLP Planet Customers:
I am grateful of having the chance to participate
“Great people, great minds, great hearts, great souls. All the good and tested NLP ways of training people combined with a modern technology and skillful people. This new innovation of NLP is saving time, money and resources. I am grateful of having the chance to participate to the program. Thank You.”
Jukka Lehtela, Owner of Ajatus Helsinki, Finland
I enjoyed a lot of benefits from this Conference
“I enjoyed a lot of benefits from this Conference..refreshing meaningful notions and getting new ideas from all inspiring speakers. I thank each and every participant, speaker, NLP Planet, it was an amazing work and field, let us anchor and multiply these meetings.”
Anca Rugina, Owner of Active Living, Romania
It was all very inspiring and useful
“It was great!. It was all very inspiring and useful. Wish you all best! Great thanks for this conference, and to NLP Planet who make it possible! It’s really awesome experience, and I wish to everyone in the world to know and hear what I heard. Really, there are no borders… Everything is possible”
Anton Uvarov, Russia
You Will Also Get All These Bonuses!
We want you to have even more…
That is why we’ve created a Special SkyRocket Growth Package for anyone who attends this training. The Bonus is Extraordinary ! It Includes:
- The Entire Video Recording of Stephen Gilligan‘s Live Online Training “The 3 Positive Connections Needed for Creative Change.“
You will learn:
- How to set positive intentions and goals towards a positive future;
- Somatic centering;
- Use your own field resources in a way to have positive connections beyond the problem;
- The Entire Video Recording of The First Worldwide Online NLP Conference 2013.

You will learn:
You will create new possibilities and new mental maps which will dramatically change your way of thinking;
- You will learn and apply powerful tools in personal development, state management, stress reduction, spirituality, creativity, global ecology, business, leadership, relationships, education, family constellation and other fields, which will improve your personal and professional life.;
- You will have immediate access to more than 34 hours of NLP webinar trainings including video-presentations, live demonstrations and mp3 audio files recorded during The First Worldwide Online NLP Conference;
- You will learn from 24 different trainers from all over the World;
…and 3rd BONUS!
- The Live Online Master Class of Stephen Gilligan “Transforming Negative Exepriences”, March 29, 2014.
You will learn:
4 core practices for transforming negative states;
- Basic method for transforming negative experiences;
- Practical exercises.
The Total Value of These 3 Bonuses is $297 but for you is for FREE!!
Our 100% Money Back Guarantee For You
Here at NLP Planet we really do care about your opinion and feedback and If you don’t find yourself comfortable with the quality of this NLP trainings and with all the powerful tools that they provide you can count on our 100% Money Back Guarantee during the first day of the conference.
Make This Investment Right Now!
Get your access
for $309 only

What does a live webinar mean?
The speaker appears and presents online to participants on a webcam or via a presentation in a real time. Participants can participate via chat, communicating with each other and with a speaker.
Is it hard to get an access?
It is easy like 1-2-3! You don’t need to go through a long registration process! We will send you a link to the room. Just click on the link, put your name, mail and you are in!
What if I miss any webinar?
All our subscribers will get the records of all the webinars! So, if you miss any webinar or want to review them, the records are always available for you.

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