Get 2-hours video from the world-known NLP stars absolutely for free

Learn for free how to achieve success and to attract luck,
and how to use perceptual positions in your life from
NLP co-developers Robert Dilts and Judith DeLozier


You will learn from Robert:

  • What the Luck and Success are
  • What are the Main Factors Creating Success
  • How to Attract the Luck and to be Successful


You will learn from Judith:

  • What is the Position in NLP
  • What is the 4th Field Position
  • What is the Practical Application of it
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Immediately after your subscription is confirmed you will have instant access to Robert and Judy’ Videos!

Video-Logo-NLP-Planet1-300x290The First Free Hour Video is with Robert Dilts! In this 1 Hour Session he will be talking about “Success Factor Modeling”

Robert-Dilts-NLP-PlanetRobert Dilts
has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - a model of human behavior, learning and communication – since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. A long time student and colleague of both Grinder and Bandler, Robert also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson M.D. and Gregory Bateson.

In addition to spearheading the applications of NLP in the areas of education, creativity, health, and leadership, his personal contributions to the field of NLP include much of the seminal work on the NLP techniques of Strategies and Belief Systems, and the development of what has become known as ‘Systemic NLP’.

Video-Logo-NLP-Planet1-300x290The Second Free Hour Video is with Judith DeLozier! In this 1 Hour Session she will be talking about “The 4th Position of The Field”

Judith DeLozierJudith-DeLozier-NLP-Planet
a leader in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, has been a trainer, co-developer and designer of training programs since 1975. A member of John Grinder and Richard Bandler’s original group of students, Judith has made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes, including the fundamental NLP technique of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modeled his tracking strategy for creating and utilizing trance states and metaphors. In the book Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius (1987), which she co-authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the interrelationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology. The result of this work was the creation of ‘NLP New Coding.’


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